Returning Company Members & Scholarship Recipients click below to register now!!!

Did you receive a Scholarship?

Want to audition for our 5-Month Training Program or join one of our 2-Month Show Seasons?

We are accepting tappers ages 9-18 for an incredible season of learning, performing, and fun. Tap Dance with us from anywhere in the nation!

**Click below for more details on how to submit your audition video!

Our 5-Month Intensive Training & Performance Program includes BOTH '“Tapped In” & “Tappy Holidays” Show Experiences, plus additional intensives, workshops, technical training, and choreography! Rehearse every week with dancers from around the nation who love tap dance as much as you do. Join us in DFW for two unforgettable show weekend experiences!

“Tapped In” is a vibrant and dynamic youth company tap dance show that showcases an eclectic blend of styles, ensuring a fresh and engaging performance. The show features a variety of music genres, complemented by inventive choreography that introduces different themes and characters and highlights the talents and skills of the dancers!

"Tappy Holidays" is a family-friendly performance that captures the spirit of the season through a series of brilliantly choreographed tap routines, set to a backdrop of classic holiday music mixed with contemporary hits. Each dance piece tells a different story, ranging from the magical whimsy of winter wonderlands to the heartwarming tales of family gatherings and joyful celebrations!

If you love tap dancing, come audition with us. We’re saving a spot for you!

Discover what it’s like to perform outside of competitive dance.

Rhythmic Souls puts on multiple original themed shows each season in different cities around the US.

Bond with other tap dancers, make life-long memories, & work collaboratively with guest artists, musicians, photographers, videographers and actors on one of our various Show Weekend Projects!

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Hone your technique & your personal style!

At Rhythmic Souls, we celebrate you! We believe in giving our dancers the opportunity to individualize their performance & make choices in class, on stage, and on set that reflect who they are.

Take risks in choreography, musicality, improv, & technique while developing skill sets that will help you become successful in any area of life.

Build your self-esteem through our welcoming community.

We know it can be scary to step into a new environment. Our Rhythmic Souls community is extremely welcoming and we believe in supporting each other in a positive, life-giving way.

Take advantage of our personal growth journaling, goal setting, and one-on-one feedback sessions throughout each show season!

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