Choreography Video Portal

Group # 3 // “Shut Up & Dance”


How do I use a Metronome?



Theme: Upscale white, blue, & black look.

Hair: In your own style (must be out of face).

Make Up: Normal Stage Make-Up

Accessories: Gold Accessories of any kind.

Inspiration Board: SEE HERE FOR IDEAS


Wear an RSTC shirt with blue jeans in any style. Bring any boots, or heavier shoes you have.

We will have shirts for purchase if you need one to complete your look.

Prop to purchase or bring with you:

5 Gallon Bucket (Example Link) & Drumsticks (Example Link)

**Please let Meghan know by email if you’d like us to pre-purchase this for you. We will charge your card on file for the amount.

Music & Metronome

Choreography Videos

WEEK #1 Assignment

Part 1

Please learn all of Part 1 for this week’s assignment.

WEEK #2 Assignment

Part 2

Please learn all of Part 2 for this week’s assignment.

WEEK #3 Assignment

Part 3

Please learn all of Parts 3 for this week’s assignment.

WEEK #4 Assignment

Part 4

Please learn all of Part 4 for this week’s assignment.

Choreo/Improv Prompt:

Beginning at 2:00 in the music…

First 6 bars (or three 8 counts): dancers will improv (or pre-choreograph it if you're not comfortable with that) along the violin/string melody, matching the exact rhythms of the strings and remixing here and there.  

On the 7th bar (or fourth 8 count), utilize drags/slides along the longer violin notes, then improv or create a 1 bar (4 count) transition step to a partner/group using all 8th notes - (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and).

Partner improv exchange: you will either hold/groove first and improv/choreo 2nd or vice versa!

2 bars (one eight count) of improv, hold 2 bars/groove 

1 bar (4 counts) improv, 1 bar hold / groove

1/2 bar (2 counts) improv, 1/2 bar hold/groove

1 bar (4 counts) note for note improv/choreo (with the violin)

We will set the last 2 bars (one 8 count) in studio :)